March 29, 2008

Green Beans

There is a legend in my family that goes something like this:

Little Genny didn't like vegetables. The most hated vegetable was the green bean.
However, Mom & Dad wanted us to grow up to be healthy, have well-balanced diets, and most of all, be appreciative (this included green beans.)
One night at dinner, with the entire family gathered at the table, my dad suggested Genny try just a few bites of green beans. He traded seats with one of the kids and sat beside her and lifted up the fork with one lone green bean. With tears running down her face, Genny plugged her nose and took the bite, but in an attempt to swallow quickly, she began choking and gagging. With a loud burp, the green bean flew out of her mouth and over the table.
Genny sat back down with a grin; she had beaten the green bean.

Bradshaw is following in his aunt's footsteps:

Yum, yum, green beans!


Lindy said...

he looks like such a big boy!! I love love love love love this. I just wanta SQUEEZE'M! :)

V said...
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V said...

Genny was so cute and dramatic. (And of course still is!) Can't wait to see you soon; I'll be in UT next week.

Genny said...

I love the green-bean picture... it's my favorite of Bradshaw thus far (and there are some great ones). I put it up as my desktop screensaver. I love B-Rad! And kudos to the legend teller, well said :)

The Wildes said...

That is such a cute face!!! Your a good mom to make him try them. Keep trying, he'll eat them eventually. Jackson changed his taste prefence every few weeks. Some weeks he hated veggies, others he gobbled them down.
Cute chair, by the way, I considered getting one of those but never did. Does it come in handy?

V said...

Dani, so he'll actually eat the gb's if I keep trying? That's great!
Dustinn & I figured we introduce green beans & peas first because they sound the most disgusting pureed and don't want him to reject b/c he had some better veg/fruit first.
Santa brought the bebepod. As soon as Bradshaw could hold his head up, the bebepod allow him to sit up. I like that it's cushiony & safe while being easy to wipe down. If you'd like, you're more than welcome to borrow it with your next. =)

Deanna said...

tell dustinn to feed him his green beans in the form of a green-bean-popsicle! maybe it'll work better than the originals we had in china. actually, we tried some mexican popsicles last week -- they were ALMOST as good as the chinese ones.

Jodi said...

hey val - I just checked in to see what you guys were up to and almost every picture I see has an outfit I remember my kids wearing! I'm all sniffly and sentimental now. Glad you guys are getting use out of the clothes!

V said...

Jodi, we only have a 3 or 4 items that aren't yours; so you'll keep seeing your boys clothes in every photo! Thank you a million times over. The 3 of us are so grateful to you.

lanni said...

he is so cute! i absolutely love the fat lip pout... we get that at our house a lot too. how can you not give in? it's like your powerless against it!