September 14, 2008

El Salvador: Dustinn befriends a hippo

Since we've been home from El Salvador, there is one thing Dustinn keeps talking about: Chato, Chato, Chato.

One of my dad's El Salvadorean friends, owns a zoo. Or he has a lot of big exotic pets in his yard. He has a pygmy hippo (or baby hippo, we weren't sure which) named Chato. Now, I know from my mission that hippos are considered the most dangerous animal in Africa. They can easily outrun a human and are very aggressive.
Chato has been raised from birth as a pet. You could get him to roll over in the water and spin his ears 36o degrees. Dustinn patted him on the nose and got him to open up his mouth.

Dustinn also managed to make Mama Lion very angry. (He was standing on top of her cage.)

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