September 17, 2008

Thank you Val and Bradshaw

Can I take this time on the eve of Bradshaw's birthday to say how thankful I am for Bradshaw and for Val? Thank you Val for being the quintessential mother for Bradshaw. Bradshaw's been a very lucky kid this year to have such a loving, dedicated mother. I'm thankful for every day that I get to spend with Bradshaw (he can cheer up any day) and Val (she's the love of my life). Thank you Val and Bradshaw

The two most important people in my life:


V said...

Awww... what a sweet husband who leaves love-posts =)

Nonnie said...

Couldn't have picked a better father for my grandson either!
Bradshaw is like the best Christmas every single day of the year. Who could have imagined how much love he has brought to our family.

Amber said...

You guys are too cute! And we can't believe all the cool adventures you've had...El Salvador??!!! We love your blog, and are so excited to have you guys to play with out here! Thanks again for dinner and was a blast. We're excited for next time! :)
Amber & Brian

Elisse Carma said...

that was really nice, dustinn. you do have a pretty amazing little family. and you're right about state fairs not being complete without Big Tex. And wasn't there always a big ferris wheel that said "TEXAS" on it?