February 23, 2010

5 Months Old

While we can't see any teeth yet, she has begun the "I'm teething drool.

She and Bradshaw are now sleeping in the same room together (we kept her in the bassinet in our room for a long time because just in case she wakes up it's much easier to get her back to sleep then to tandem sooth both kids.

really doesn't like rice cereal. This is about 2 weeks after first introducing her. She shows all the signs of being ready smacks her lips while we are eating, reaches for our food, supported sitter and often still hungry she has 6 feedings in a 24 hr period of 6-8 oz

size 3 shoes. 6/9M clothes,


dn like bathtub

slowly but surely moves to what she wants now. Occassionally she'll roll into the kitchen, the living room used to be her terrain but she's expanded (keep in mind our apartment is not very big.)

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