March 5, 2010

One of the (many) things we love about our apartment is that it backs up to a 44-acre botanical preserve. It has a waterfall, lake, running trails, an orchard, cool bridges and lots of life. It is because of this preserve that Dustinn & I listen to owls as we fall asleep at night. And I think it's because of the preserve that this was on the grass outside our apartment:You can't tell from the picture--but this hawk is big. Larger than a cat. Much larger than our chickens in Texas.When I got too close he decided to leave. It was actually very funny (but grotesque.) He was feasting on squirrel. It appeared to be caught on his claw, rather than clasped, so he shook his leg unsuccessfully and then hobbled and tripped several steps before taking flight.


Bonnie said...

Weird but totally awesome!

V said...

haha--well said Bonnie.

Pancho said...

OH I Cant wait to come!

Nonnie said...

Val, This is Dad. Awesome pictures. I think that may be a Harris Hawk. Your camera is amazing to be able to get so many pictures so quickly. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grumpa

V said...

Thanks Dad. When I first came upon the hawk and was standing there in awe; I thought, I wish my dad was here--I know he'd be enjoying it just as much as I am (probably more.)
Nature is one of my spiritual soft spots. It's majesty teaches me of the Creator.