April 19, 2010

"and we'll all sleep together in a real pile"

Did you see Where the Wild Things Are?

At one point, Max, the main character, is trying to sell all his monster friends on the idea of building a fortress, and one of the main selling points is that they'll all sleep piled on one another...one big heap of fur.

Our family loves to "sleep together in a real pile." On occasion, when both kids end up in our bed, it delights me that Olivia will sleep nestled in the crook of my shoulder with my arms wrapped around her and Bradshaw will cuddle so close that we're cheek-to-cheek. (Added bonus: as he drifts in and out of sleep will give kisses to whomever is closest to him.) 3am a few nights ago:
This also happens during the daytime.
Bradshaw will lay on his stomach, chin cupped in his hands, in front of the TV. Olivia will repeatedly crawl back and forth over Bradshaw and every once in a while, she just flops across Bradshaw and lays there: belly up in the air and relaxed. Too cute.


Katy said...

Oh sweetness!! I love it. I once was lucky enough to nap next to Bradshaw and he insisted on sleeping cheek to cheek. I can imagine the only thing better would be to have Olivia there as well!!!!

myshel_01 said...

just noticed they're holding hands (: so precious

D said...

They are the most cuddly kids ever.

lamia said...

that is so adorable! and I love that you're taking pics at 3am :)

V said...

haha. I'm not a very good sleeper sometimes.
it was so fun that we got to go to that movie with you and Matt.

Dustinn was the one to say (with a big smile) "Hey Val, Lamia commented!"

lamia said...

Haha I should comment more often cuz I always come around and check out the latest cute pics and updates. I'm glad we got to see that movie together too! So fun. Hopefully we'll get to see you guys sometime this summer :)

Lindy said...

Oooo. I saw that movie with the Fred face. It was weird, but I have to admit that I lol'd. Uncontrollable laughter was heard. I am more than willingly to be on the bottom of their little pile-ons. Hurry up and get here Jacksons! :)