September 5, 2010

Who taught him this?

The other day Bradshaw ran down the hallway towards his friends, showing off his biceps, yelling: "Watch out!! Big muscles coming!!" Val and I couldn't stop laughing. Who taught him that??? He doesn't appear to have a confidence issue, that's for sure.

PS: Bradshaw heard the word "delectable" and we explained something is delectable when you enjoy it or it makes you happy.  At every meal he says, with gusto, "deleckable!"


Lindy said...

So cute. He does have big muscles... BUT I can't see the picture. and it's driving me ca-razy.

V said...

Hey Lindaroo, it shows up on our end with IE & Mozilla. Can you see other pictures on the blog...just not this one?

Ryan and Jess said...

That is too great. What an awesome family you are. I'm so glad we got to see you guys for a bit the other day. We sure look up to you guys!

Lindy said...

I can see all of the other pictures... :( It didn't work on Katy's computer either.

V said...

R&J--thank you. We think you, Ryan and your adorable boys are pretty awesome too!

Pancho said...

it isnt working on moms computer either. :(

Curtis and Deanna said...

Sorry Val, we can't see it either

V said...

Dustinn uploaded it from his phone maybe it was the wrong type of file? I took it down but it was of Shaw flexing.