January 29, 2008

Baby bloggin'

I feel bad that I am always 'baby blogging'...and I know I should give a well-rounded perspective with updates on Dustinn & me. But Bradshaw is our life. He makes us happier than we ever could have imagined. So on I go; baby time:

My brother Nelson is very lean but can contort his stomach muscles in crazy ways. Does anyone remember how Nelson could look emaciated one second and rotund the next? Well, Bradshaw has learned this trick. We don't know how/why but he has started puffing out his gut and further accentuating his delightfully round little shape.

Today Bradshaw had an appointment with our beloved pediatrician Jenna Roberts. We had several surprises:

1. We did not expect to introduce solids until he is at least 6 months old. However, the Dr. pointed out how most babies his size have had their diet supplemented with solids for several months. She said it is unlikely that nursing alone is able to provide all the nutrients he now needs and she recommended that we introduce some solids right away. So he's still going to be on the same nursing schedule but he'll have two cereal meals in addition.

2. He has started teething. Hence, his constant slobbering.

He also got 5 vaccinations today. (Last time he received shots he took it like quite a little man. He yelled during the shots but was calm afterwards.) Today was a different story. He tensed up terribly and did not stop screaming for nearly 30 minutes afterwards. He even whimpered in his sleep.
Although it is likely designed this way for survival purposes, I don't think there is a more disturbing or terrifying sound than hearing your own baby cry.


Janina Herbert said...

oh sad! oh my goodness, valery, that must've been TORTURE for you, too! aww, that made ME cringe to think that poor little bradshaw was even whimpering in his sleep!:(

well, the good news is, he'll forget it by tomorrow morning! :)

and WOW for him starting on solids! way to go, little man!
and how are YOU holding up with him teething and all? ouch! you are an amazing mother, valery :)
love ya!

Julie Bird said...

Way to go Bradshaw! Solid foods already! That is awesome. I totally sympathize with you about the shots. I was not prepared for how hard it would be for me to have to hold Kaylie down while they stuck needles in her...I think I cried more (internally)than she did. But 5 shots at once? I can't imagine...poor little guy. What a trooper.

Julie Bird said...

I like your new blog make-over too!

Lindy said...

Wait, bradshaw can look emaciated? haha
He whimpered in his sleep? aww. I want to hold my bubs so badly.. I hate hearing him sad. :(