January 3, 2008

Christmas: Part II

This is the 1st time I have returned to the cabin since Bradshaw was born. Naturally, the entire cabin and everything in it reminds me of those first few days with newborn Bradshaw. ...Dustinn had to leave for work in Boston the day before the hospital discharged me. My mom volunteered to stay with me, drive me to LA and help me move into an apartment.
BUT since I had an emergency c-section after complicated labor, we decided to rest and recover for a few days at the family cabin (in Utah, near the hospital.)
was no difference between day and night because Bradshaw never slept more than an hour. I felt like the gift of his life was so unbelievable that it was probably too good to be true. I was in a hyper-vigilant state; constantly worrying if I was giving him the proper care he needed. He was little, fragile and infinitely precious.
My mom said every time she turned around I was crying. Panicked, she'd ask, "what's wrong Valery?" Each time I replied, "he's just so perfect."
I remember discovering Bradshaw preferred to sleep with his legs pulled up to his body. I was ecstatic! I thought, "I understand him! I can tell what he needs! I can be a mom!"

Okay...now that I'm done reminiscing, here are pictures from last week at the cabin:
The cabin, all snowed in.
My sister KT & B-Rad
All of us were lying under blankets together until the heat kicked in
Our little family
The next day, my mom & Bradshaw napping
Bradshaw's introduction to snow

All my siblings (plus Dustinn) spent most of the day building this awesome tubing run

This picture makes me laugh (do you see how Bradshaw poses just like me? head tilt & all!)

At night, Colton used the tubing trail for snowboarding...lucky I caught this moment since I couldn't actually see through the camera's view finder.


Janina Herbert said...

I LOVE THESE PICTURES!!! and i loved your opening statement, too. it was so nice :) thank you so much for coming over today - it was a lot of fun! i always have fun with you two, though! :) you looked so pretty in all your photos! and bradshaw ("B-Rad"- such a cute nickname!) looked cute as pumpkin pie in his photos! love ya!

Lindy said...

i love the picture of me... haha. JK- way to capture the moment val! :P