February 9, 2008


Cyndi & Julie tagged me. This one is about my husband.

What is his name? Dustinn Michael Jackson (named before Michael Jackson became infamous)
How long did you date? 1 year 3 months
How old is he? 26
How old are you? 26
Who eats more sweets? Me…definitely. To my ruin, I’m fueled by sugar.
Who said I love you first? Dustinn
Who can sing better? Dustinn has an amazing voice! When we were dating, he learned several songs on the guitar to sing to me. Oh, and when we found out we were pregnant he surprised me with Danny’s Song.
Who is smarter? Dustinn =). This was a prerequisite for the person I married.
Who does the laundry? Mostly me; sometimes Dustinn. He feels badly when I do it because it’s difficult to lock up and get there carrying the baby, baskets, soap, etc.
Who does the dishes? Hehehe we don’t have a dishwasher but I enjoy cooking so we always have plenty of dishes to be washed. Dustinn works really long hours but when he can he does them.
Who pays the bills? I pay rent & tithing and Dustinn pays cell phone, electricity, and Internet (because I’m unreasonable about these costs.)
His guilty pleasure? He devours ESPN.com
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Weird question…I sleep on the right side to be next to the crib.
Who mows the lawn? In my dreams we have a little house and a yard…but nothing to mow for now.
Besides you, who is his best friend? His mum
Who cooks dinner? Me! I like to. Our latest obsession is various quiches.
Who is more stubborn? It’s a tie. We’re both pretty stubborn.
Who kissed who first? Dustinn kissed me first. I had a boyfriend at the time—so it was really bold of him. But he had told me previously that if I didn’t see myself with this other guy he wanted a chance (which was very romantic to me.)
Who asked who out first? Dustinn asked me out right after I met him. Also bold.
Who has more siblings? I have 7. He has 4.
Who wears the pants? We both have things we are controlling about; but I would say Dustinn wears the pants because he ultimately takes care of Bradshaw & I.
What is your favorite thing about him? I can be 100% myself around him. I don’t have to fear that he’ll stop loving me when I’m bratty. When I tell him my worries (no matter how many times I’ve told him the same thing before) he doesn’t brush them off but he listens and understands. Magically, he makes better. It’s these moments that I am completely, crazily, girlishly in love with him.

I tag Erika, Dani, Angie, Deanna, & Aya


Janina Herbert said...

you are so cute, val!! i just got your phone message - auditions went pretty well. some things were better than expected, others were not. hehe. i'm just SO relieved they're over :) anyways, i'll tell you more tomorrow. thank you so much for calling me today and leaving that voice message - you are one of my all-time sweetest friends, and i love you!

Erika said...

Val- thanks for tagging me! I really like this questionnaire. I remember when Dustinn was trying to win you over. He'd be playing games with us at the Amenity and then he'd leave saying he had to go work on this relationship. He was very careful with you because he didn't want to mess it up. It was so sweet. We were very excited to meet you.

Cyndi said...

It's so fun to read those fun facts about Dustinn. I'm sorry about your car...too bad it wasn't something smaller that could break. Maybe a dish or a glass candy bowl, but why is it always the big things? I hope it isn't too damaging to the banking account. Great highchair! I love it! I can see Bradshaw loves it too.