September 6, 2008

Tropical Storm Hanna

The storm took down 2 trees in front of our building. This one is propped up by the powerline; and the second is leaning on our roof.
And the river normally is much calmer & clearer.

On a lighter note... there are miles of beautiful jogging trails behind our complex. Doesn't it look beautiful? Any takers? Dad? Cami?

Next Post: El Salvador


Lindy said...

woah thats pretty scary!! Were you there when the tree hit your roof? it is so so so green... i like it. :)

V said...

The storm was actually much calmer than a lot of Texas thunderstorms because there wasn't all the loud thunder and lightening.
The storm lasted for about 20 hours. We listened to it all through the night and then the next morning we went to Costco & Walmart (still moving in) so we missed the tree falling.
But being out in the rain was pretty hilarious. We have a big umbrella but each time we went from the car to the store Dustinn Bradshaw and I would all be drenched! It was just dumping buckets.