October 20, 2008

13 Months

Bradshaw is definitely a toddler. It is so endearing it is to hear his little footsteps in the kitchen or have him toddle up and hug a leg.
He's a drooling machine. He has 8 teeth and the pediatrician says he's starting the back molars.
The adjective that best describes this 13-month-old is excitable. He has the biggest reactions to the smallest things. He screams in delight, claps, and waves his arms until he knocks himself over. (Wait 30 seconds. Repeat.)That (spoons, wisks, etc.) is his bucket of treasures. He will stand below it and beg for another utensil. At any give point, we can find a few ladles in his bed.
He loves to share his food. Don't get too close while he's in his highchair or he'll extend his little clutched fist offering a soggy treat. His staple foods are tomatoes and oranges.


HunnyHull said...

He is so adorable! He is getting so big. I love seeing what you are up to. You look like you are having so much fun.

Katie said...

Val what a sweet boy!! You are such good Mom, cute boy and a super clean house! How do you do it all!?

Lindy said...

Aww.. I miss him! 28 days till I get to see the little guy! So excited!! I want him to feed soggy food to me!?! slash.. fall asleep in my arms again. does he even do that anymore?

Nonnie said...

Oh I miss that little guy. It makes me smile to find spoons and ladles everywhere. (In the car, in his crib, in the nest...)

Julie Bird said...

can we come out to play? I wish! I miss you and Kaylie misses Bradshaw. They were such cute play pals. When are you coming back? This was such a cute post. It's so funny how similar he and Kaylie are in the things they are doing. Bradshaw is looking more handsome everyday!

Jodi said...

Hey Val, thanks for sending me your blog address again! I just love seeing Bradshaw's wardrobe ;)

V said...

Aww Katie, thanks! (As for the clean house refer to image #1.) Just kidding. In all truth, Dustinn is a more than equal partner. He always says, "I don't care if the house is clean; I don't care if you made dinner or not all that matters is that you and the boy are happy" but almost every night he does the dishes and tidies up. =)

V said...

Linders: Seriously?
We are not talking about him dropping a piece of food in your hand...he insists on placing the soggy (sometimes regurgitated) juice soaked, piece of bread in your mouth.
Now that's love.

V said...

Oh Julie! Come out to play! It would be a dream come true!

Russell and Aya said...

What a fun age he is at! I love the picture with him carrying vacuum cleaner. So cute! We were very sad that we could not make it to attend brantis core get together last time. We hope there will be an another time.

Amber said...

How cute!! I love the updates you do. Such a great idea. I think I'm going to have to dub myself an adopted aunt! :) Can a person do that? :) So glad you guys are back and had fun in Texas.

Amy said...

How adorable! I cannot believe how much they change in one year!