October 27, 2008


You should've seen the other guy.
(Just kidding.) The story of his fat lip begins Saturday Morning.
We packed Bradshaw, lunch & warm jackets in the car. It was drizzling outside but we were not going to let rain get in the way of our plans to see West Virginia (C'mon. Colonial homes, 18th Century ambiance, all amid the fall colors. Who could pass that up?)

The rain started coming down much harder during the hour drive. At Harper's Ferry, where the Potomac & Shenandoah rivers collide, we decided to brave the rain.

By the time we returned to the car, we were soaked to the skin and Bradshaw's little teeth were chattering. We decided to take shelter in Walmart.
Fast forward to Bradshaw riding a trike in the toy aisle. Suddenly, he sees a toy he wants more than the bike. He makes it successfully off the tricycle but immediately gets his foot caught on the pedal. Slam. Tooth in lip. Blood dripping off his chin. Blood smeared across his cheeks & nose. Blood covering my hands as I run with him to the bathroom. Blood, blood, blood.

He had long stopped crying and wanted to play in the sink while I was trying to clean him off. But because of how he looked, Walmart employees were crowding into the bathroom on walkie-talkies, handing me ice packs & alcohol swabs and cooing over the poor baby.

Bradshaw was eating it up. Smiling, waving, clapping, holding his arms out to strangers. Before we left, we had to file an incidence report. (No Walmart, of course we won't sue you. Thank you for being so kind to us and our baby.)
And then we drove home. It never stopped raining.


Lindy said...

Oh no.. that sounds scary! Remember when i bit through my front lip while you guys were in Europe? I totally understand bubsy... thats funny about all the walmart people and how you had to report it. :) He is riding tricycles now? I'm missing EVERYTHING!

Nonnie said...

The best is Nelson's fat lip falling out of the van at Blue Hills Lane....we have some gross pictures of that. I wish I were there to kiss his little boo boo better. Was is still beautiful in the rain? You need to call Nadine if you want to go see beautiful fall colors... she lives in the thick of it.

Amy said...

Aww... Poor thing! It seems like he forgot about it quickly.

. said...

You could have sued walmart and you passed up the opportunity? That is like winning the lottery.

Amber said...

Wow!! You guys DID have a lot of rain. I LOVE that you got out of the car in it though...what fun memories! I hope that Shenadoah was better leaf seeing weather for you and that cute little Bradshaw's lip is better.

Anonymous said...

Val, has Dustinn told you the "Bradshaw Rule"----No blood, no tears!" He was entitled to a good cry when that happened.
Grams & Gramps

V said...

Grams & Gramps! I teared up when I saw it was from you. (No worries, not a tear fell; I am not bleeding after all.) But can we say, that we REALLY miss you? We do. We wished we still lived on west coast so we could've seen you at your 50th celebration in Arizona.
Dustinn has taught me the Bradshaw Rule and told me many other stories from summers on the farm. How old does Bradshaw have to be for us to sign him up? Just kidding, don't worry. =)

Russell and Aya said...

Poor little guy. Renae just had similar experience today. Her upper lip is all swollen and looks very painful. But she seems ok eating when it comes to her favorite food.

Elisse Carma said...

wow i bet that was scary.

wasn't it cold in the rain?

The Wildes said...

The new backround is adorable. Love it