November 4, 2008

Belated Tag: 6 Random Things

I have this since August. Sorry my friend! Here are 6 random things about me:

-I once had the urge to weave. I used notched cardboard and twine for the loom and did a fall scene. In retrospect, the yellowy-orange yarn I used was spot on! Each time I look out the windows it reminds me of that weaving.

-Today the 13th Obama campaign representative knocked at our door. Out of breath, he asked if I had already been to the polls. I had, but I really admired his determination; he was utilizing every last moment to gain support for what he believed in.

-I cannot sleep without flossing. It's partially the fear of sugar goblins lurking between my teeth but, more crucially, I need to feel complete before I can relax.

-In 3rd grade, I won the pull-up contest for our school (i.e. meaning I did even more pull-ups than the 6th grade boys.) I still remember how it felt for my body to be so light and to be able to pull it up and lower it down so easily. It felt healthy, strong, limitless.

-I used to rollerskate in my backyard as a child. One day, the flat lawn became rolling waves of earth. It was an earthquake. I remember broken highways, power outages, weeks of missed school and many frightening aftershocks.

-Each morning, I recall what I dreamt about during the night.

I can only tag 6 people (there are SO many more I would like to tag!):
My daddy-O
Colton Pace
Brad Weinert
Deanna Jackson


Amber said...

I wonder if I've ever been able to do a pull-up...?? :) Somehow, I doubt it! I love that you beat all the boys. :)

I want to see this piece of weaving, by the way. :) I hope outside keeps looking like it for a long time, but I fear the leaves are starting to drop quickly!!!

Cyndi said...

Strong girl! I remember we only had to do ONE pull up...and that was hard.

pennylutz said...

I'm so impressed you beat all the boys. Can you still do that many pull ups?

V said...

Holy cow-no. I can do 1, maybe 2 push-ups nowadays.

V said...
