May 23, 2009

Wednesday Night

On Wednesday night, the young men at church held a car wash to earn money for scout camp.

While Dustinn's with the young men, I'm with the sweet activity girls (ages 8 to 11.) During the week, I had this image (in my head) of one of the little girls being sad and feeling alone. So on Wednesday night, we did a short lesson on trials and made "emergency care kits."
On card stock, the girls listed 3 people they could talk to, who loved them unconditionally. (And we stopped & talked about the word "unconditional." This person will not love you any less if you are in trouble or did something "wrong"; they will always be there for you.) On the bottom half of the card they listed 5 activities that make them feel better when they are sad.

I brought the cards home to laminate them and saw that two of the girls had listed my name as a person they could talk to who loves them unconditionally. It really touched my heart that I could be "that person" for these little girls.


Amber said...

You are seriously amazing! I'm not surprised at all that the girls feel like they can talk to you about of your many many gifts! That's awesome!

It looks like you guys have been having so much fun lately, and checking so many great things off your list! I can't wait to hear all the details.

(PS... Cutest car washer EVER!)

Nonnie said...

What a great idea. Can I write your name on my Emergency care kit? You a truly a loving girl. xoxoxo

StefanieJinelle said...

I love the little video when Bradshaw gives the guy a high five!

I would put your name on my list. :]

Anonymous said...

I can already see it now, Bradshaw is going to want a Thomas the Train toy or something similar and you are going to tell him there isn't money for it. He'll probably grab a bucket and a sponge and start cleaning for money! I bet you are a wonderful example to those could they not love you to pieces?!?