Dustinn is feeling some pressure at work. We don't know yet whether the Department of Defense is renewing the contract (i.e. will we be in Virginia this fall? or will we be relocated to another office?)
The deadline to renew our housing lease is tomorrow--so there's been a lot of deliberating. If we don't renew our lease, but stay in Virginia, it will be very expensive. If we renew our lease and move from Virginia, breaking the lease will be even more expensive. *Sigh* We love it here and, as of June, we have lived in Virginia 10 months (longer than any other state since we've been married.) Anyway, I can imagine my little sister reading this and at this point saying, "bor-RING...what's Bradshaw up to?"
- loves trains. Today he was sitting in his high chair and I hear "choo-choOOoo" and he has pulled off all the crusts of the bread and has lined them up and is driving them around the highchair tray. We've caught him doing the same thing with an assortment of our shoes, again with clipped coupons, and also with rubbermaid storage bins.
- regularly pats the couch beside him and smiles sweetly at Dustinn or I to come sit by him. (It's cute.)
- gets little spurts of insane hyper-activity where he runs in circles screaming and laughing.
- has entered the tantrum phase. The two greatest provokers are his carseat and when we misunderstand what he is saying.
- gets on his knees and waits for Mom & Dad to come to prayer (and calls us to come.)
P.S. The Wiggles have been stuck in my head all week.
P.P.S. It's firefly season...magical.
Wow, tough decision on the apartment...
Is Dustinn putting up the crib? Already? :)
As far as getting Bradshaw ready... Does he have a baby doll? Ummm, I've never had to get a BOY ready for a sibling, but the books help. Sweetie is pretty oblivious still. I think she'll be shocked. I need to pull out the Big Sister book and read it with her a bunch. It's a good thing she likes babies. :)
Sweetie likes to push trains around, but that's ADORABLE that Bradshaw makes his own! So cute!
Just wait until Bradshaw and Olivia enter the hyperactive state TOGETHER! Much screaming and laughing and circle running to be had. Followed by crying b/c it got out of hand...
We haven't been good about kneeling to pray and we are repenting and trying to enforce it. Should've started earlier. :)
My best remedy for tantrums is completely ignoring them. It helps to put them in another room. In case you were wanting my advice. :)
I think that's sweet that you talk to him everyday about it :) Oh man, I'm excited to come out and have him know that his little sister is in my belly.
I LOVED that little video of him kissing Annie? Is that the girl? He loves her. :)
Do you know where you'd be moving to if you don't stay in Virginia?
If he keeps getting cuter...what are we going to do!! I just can't stand it :)
What a sweet sweet boy. Giving kisses, making trains, putting together sister's crib. How adorable!!
Bradshaw we are trying to get good train videos for you!!
Oh la la la la la la! He has grown so much since February!! Can you move to Utah so that I don't have to miss any of this?
When will Dustinn know if the contract is going to be renewed?
When you were talking about the little sister.. I hope you meant Polly/Genny :) Because your life never bores me. Yes, Bradshaw is very entertaining but even without Bubs.. I could never get enough V&D time.
I have a present for you on my blog :)
I heard that Dustinn's job can be transferred to Scottsdale Arizona.... just a rumor you should look into... Bradshaw is such a cutie with his friend Annie. And he's so grown up! Jack and B-Rad are going to have a blast together in Colorado. I can see them now having little boy conversations.
Yeah for Val posts!!! :) I'm so glad you posted about the campout! It looks like it was a blast (PS...are Bradshaw and Annie officially betrothed yet? If not, I think you guys should get crackin... :))
I hope you're having a blast with Dustinn's family, and getting pumped to see your sister and Stefanie. I know you are! Yeah for fun family visits!!!!
We went into the office (to sign a new lease) and they said they didn't have a contract ready yet but they hold the price since we came in and give us a call.
This is GREAT news because it buys us time.
Yep, we put up her crib already. Anything Olivia-related is too fun to delay. =)
And a doll is a GREAT idea Erika!!! He can practice being quiet around her & gentle, etc.
If we move from Virginia we'd be in Chicago or Boston (or one other city I can't remember.)
But Dustinn pretty certain that we're staying here.
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