August 30, 2009


While I was in Utah for Genny's wedding I got to see Stefanie several times. She spent the night at the cabin and helped with wedding stuff (thank you!!) That night, I set a phone alarm and at 2am Stefanie, Nelson, Lindy and I woke up and went out into the cold mountain air and watched a meteor shower.

Stefanie invited me to her 34 week doctor's appointment. (Isn't that so cool!) And I also went with her to "group." One night a week, all the birthmoms get together to have fun, discuss pertinent issues, and support one another. The evening I went they were having an adoptive panel. The room was already packed when we arrived. The panel consisted of 4 kids (ranging from 12 to 17 maybe?) They answered questions such as:
"What do you wonder about your birthparents? (All 4 kids had closed adoptions.)
"What would you want your birthparents to know?"
"Is there anything that has been hard about being adopted?"
"Is there anything you'd like to say to prospective adoptive parents?"
And that's just to name a few of the questions. I feel SO lucky to have been there. The group of girls was amazing. A spirit of sacrifice and unconditional love coated their words and I kept tearing up thinking about all that Stefanie has to go through.
On a lighter note, the 12-year-old boy on the panel was hilarious. One of his many qoutable qoutes was, "I'm glad I'm adopted because if I wasn't I wouldn't have my gecko.
Afterwards, one of the girls, who had had her daughter 2 weeks before, shared her placement story. ...Wow.

Another day, we went to Stefanie's house. Her parents are so kind & warm; it was wonderful to visit with them and Stef's sister again. Meanwhile Bradshaw was having the time of his life playing with Angel (a fitting name for Stef's dog.)

In short, we are totally S.P.O.I.L.E.D by Stefanie. We know it is rare for an adoptive couple to share in so many of the pregnancy experiences; we are very lucky to have Stefanie in our lives.


Nonnie said...

I am so glad you posted about Stefanie's visit. (No Pictures?) It was great to have her spend so much time with us. She really is a wonderful person. The serenade poster she made was so perfect, her help was so appreciated. I wish I hadn't been so busy sewing and working on the pictures and guest book because I didn't get to learn how to play Kingsburg! (But Bradshaw did look very cute in his little tie) and I didn't even know about the meteor shower until afterwards! We will need to have Stefanie up every summer:)

D said...
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D said...

It was very fun to visit with Stefanie's family--how nice of them to remember us a few years ago when we would play board games at their house.

Lindy said...

Can you believe that there are only 24 days left, if that? AHHH!! I'm so so so so so so so excited.

StefanieJinelle said...

I loved that 12 year old boy in the group :) He had the funniest things to say.
I'm excited for you guys to come out here again in like two weeks! yessssssssssss. more kingsburg adventures.

The Wildes said...

What an amazing experience to have.