April 28, 2010

Each anniversary has held a very different experience. In the spirit of NIAW, I'll admit I spent the 1st anniversary in tears. It marked a year of struggling unsuccessfully to be pregnant. "12" was the dreaded number (of months) because that's when the medical community acknowledges there's a problem.
I do look back on that anniversary and feel ashamed of myself; why didn't I stop and celebrate my beloved husband? I had, and have, so much to be grateful for. (And of course, this is easy for me to say this now that I have my babies. I shudder to think what it would be like if I was still in the midst of that.)

We were newly pregnant with Bradshaw on our 2nd anniversary and were keeping it a secret until I was further along. My mom (who knew) asked, "but how will you hide the light in your eyes?" It's true. We were drunkenly happy. We woke up and feel asleep with huge grins on our faces.

We were living in LA for our 3rd anniversary. Our had our cute chubby boy in the stroller as we walked the boardwalk, the promenade, and then got dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant.

Our 4th anniversary we were already living in Virginia. Dustinn was under a lot of pressure at work and I was shocked that he took the day off. We played in the sun on the coast of MD.
This was 2 weeks before Stefanie told us she had chosen us to be Olivia's parents.

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