May 2, 2010

Saudi Arabian Soil...

Passport DC is one of the coolest things we did while living in Washington D.C.

On May 1st, 35 embassies opened their doors to the public. Dustinn and I wanted to visit them all but knew we wouldn't have time. We agonized over picking favorites.

We went to Saudi Arabia first. We showed ID and entered the grounds. To the left of the embassy, under the shade of trees, men dressed in traditional clothing were serving plates of chicken and rice (with this delicious spice.) I asked a man if we could join his table and after shoveling a few bites in my mouth I realized I was sitting cozy at the men's table while all of their wives were staring at me from another table. Awkward.

Traditional sitting areas were set up in the embassy, there was a fashion show, Olivia and I got our hands painted with henna (funny story: Olivia was asleep in my arms while I was sitting having my hand painted. Meanwhile across the room men were dancing and singing along to a stringed instrument. This elderly woman next to me, drew a deep breath and let out this ear-piercing noise. She made an o- shape with her mouth and was flicking her tongue rapid-speed. Does anyone know what that's called? Anyway, Olivia, who was sleeping, immediately joined in screaming at the top of her lungs.) We had our names written in Arabic and tried to take a family picture in traditional clothing but Bradshaw didn't want to.
All the Saudi people helping put on this event were sooo kind and welcoming. The guides were all dressed in traditional clothing (see the man in white below) and were everywhere to answer questions and volunteer cool stories.

Next we visited Botswana (homeland of my
beloved mission trainer: Kenewang Mbisana).

Then we visited Columbia. The embassy was palatial;
plus they were handing out roses to all the women. :)

Last of all we visited Thailand. Yummmm.

P.S. For anyone who lives in the dc area Passport DC activities continue through May 22th. You'll love it!)


Queen of the House said...

I'm just delurking to say that I recently learned that if you are invited to eat with Saudi Arabian men, if you summon their women to come and join you, the men will have to allow it! I frequently stay at a Ronald McDonald House in Chicago while my son is in the hospital and there is a family frequently there from Saudi Arabia. Like you describe, the men eat at the table and the woman stand back and watch. At some point, one of the American woman was invited to join them at the meal. She felt out of place with all of their woman watching them so she raised her hand and invited them to come to. The Saudi men yelled out towards the women and they came running to the table and ate with them. Apparently, guests at the table have a lot of pull! Once some of the other American woman learned this they would always wave the Saudi Arabian woman over to the table. They would come running over, sit, and would be able to eat with everyone else. I thought it was very interesting. Not that you will return, but if you are ever in such a situation again you might try inviting the woman to join you! :-D

Erika said...

You always find the most fun things to do! I love the henna painting.

V said...

I'm glad you "delurked". It is fascinating that a guest (a woman even!) can transcend those societal rules. ...I'm glad I was not born Saudi.