August 15, 2010

Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list?  (Crudely put--the list of things you'd like to do before kicking the bucket.)

Dustinn and I do.  And we had a great time making the list.  We recommend it for a date night activity.

Dustinn's is potpourri of random things--some easy and some incredibly difficult (such as those that require a lot of money or time.)  Mine is a pragmatic list of things most people do during there lives.  Dustinn said my list is boring but those are the things I want to make sure I do.  I guess that sums us up in a nutshell.  :)

Anyway, this summer we accomplished 2 of the things on Dustinn's bucket list:

1. see Aurora Borealis
While we were in Montana, Dustinn read online that due to unique electrical storms, Aurora Borealis could be seen in some northern parts of the United States.  We crossed our fingers and were checking the night sky every half an hour.  We discovered them at 10:45 on August 5th and watched them again on the 6th.  Amazing.

2. visit Mt. Rushmore
It was along the drive from Utah to Illinois
How funny is it that Bradshaw & Olivia make the same open-mouth smile?!
one cute lil missy


Erika said...

I love that picture of Olivia with her sunglasses on! We should totally make a bucket list! You two always have the coolest ideas.

D said...

better the open mouth smile than the goofy face I'm making!
It was so awesome to see the northern lights. Such an amazing quirk of nature that makes for an incredible light show

Lindy said...

I must admit that I always get confused about where I'm supposed to post on this new blog set up...

Bucket list- I've always wanted to jump/dive off of a waterfall. I got close this week by jumping off a bridge. I'm going to go to the waterfall on Friday! Oh and I've always wanted to try contacts (people with glasses hate me for this) and I used a pair of Polly's yesterday, which have practically no prescription to them. shhh
I also want to catch a jar of fireflies like in the story books, serve a mission, fall in love, have at least six kids, key a car, the list goes on.

Oh and I thought that Dustinn wanted to make potpurri as part of his bucket list. I laughed at that one thinking, that's not very much like the Dustinn I know!?

AND I decided that I will comment on every blog till I leave because, well i won't have the opportunity to for awhile-plus it might encourage you to blog more. Remember you cannot over blog... for me at least. :)

Dani said...

Great bucket list Lindy. I'm glad vandalism (key a car) and serve a mission are both on it, it shows how well rounded you are :)
I think we'll make our bucket list tonight!

D said...

Lindy, if you really want to key a car, you can key ours for $50!

V said...

Linders! I saw on facebook that you jumped off the waterfall. Cool!

Bradshaw and I caught a jar of fireflies. They all lit up at different times so it didn't have the magic glowing effect it had in Robin Hood.

Dani pegged your bucked list pretty cleverly. It gave us lots of laughs.
Your key a car statement brought 2 songs to mind: Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats and "I Bust Da Window Out Yer Car" from Glee. :)

V said...

PS Lind, I'm glad your going to comment until MTC-day. It really does encourage me to blog more. You're a sweet sister.