July 22, 2008

home SWEET home

Sweet relief! We found an apartment.

The majority of our apartment-searching took place during a heat wave. Everytime I pulled Bradshaw out of his carseat his hair and back would be soaking wet. Then he'd start crying when I had to put him back in the carseat 20 minutes later. Repeat 30 times...and this is how he began to look:

The apartment is in Northern Virginia, just a 15 minute bus ride from Dustinn's work. It's a wooded suburban community with playgrounds, pools and a fitness center. The buildings are older but bright and spacious. And (drumroll please) our family has graduated to a 2-bedroom apartment!
We move in September 1st.


Erika said...

awww poor Bradshaw!! Yay for finding an apartment! i love you header. :)

Lindy said...

Pauvre Bradshaw. Je veux voir ton appartement! Quand est-ce que vous vous demenagez? Je t'aime!!

Janina Herbert said...

NO WAY, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) and that picture of poor bradshaw is so cute!

anyways, I MISS YOU! let's talk SOON! muah! love you! congrats, again! :) how is dustinn liking his work?

Katy said...

Even when he's hot, sweaty and grumpy...he's still a cutie!!!

V said...

Lindy ma chère! Merci de me laisse un message en français. =)
Nous voudrions tu visite tout suite (bien sûr!)
J'espère que tous va bien. Tu études et les garçons...[souri]
Nos appartement est ouvert le premier de septembre.
Je t'aime aussi!