October 10, 2008

...And the other's gold.

When Dustinn was 8 or 9 years old, his family moved from California to Colleyville, Texas.
In his Colleyville ward (church congregation) there were many boys his age.

These guys did all sorts of things together (such as backpacking trips, becoming Eagle Scouts, mischief, hair dye, duct taping Dere, etc.)

They also started a band called OJ and the Brantis Orangutangs.

Dustinn (below) is in blue with the red headband.

I got to meet most of these guys when they were rooming together at BYU. (Actually, one of the guys introduced Dustinn and I.)
They are all such good guys; and luckily for me, these amazing guys married equally amazing girls. Life just keeps getting better and better!

We are fortunate enough to live near part of the group, Mang & Megan Coplen AND last month, Brant & Kristen Harrison flew in to visit. Next post will be pictures of the visit.


Erika said...

Hahaha! Awesome pictures!! I hope the Captain and I can come visit someday too! We are so lucky to have friends like you!

. said...

Ahh I am sooo jealous! I want to live close to Phil and Megan too.

Harrison - Party of Four! said...

So fun to see pictures of these guys from years ago! Any more pics of Brant you've got over there?? -K

V said...

Kristen, I don't have many pictures from back then but when I get home I can email what I've got. Isn't it fun to see them young and little?