June 7, 2009

You can do it Cinderelly!

I am officially declaring June 7th to the 14th, "Spring Cleaning Week!" For several months, I've had a list of things to accomplish but unfortunately time keeps escaping me. So I'm setting some rules to use my time wisely:
  • In bed by 10pm
  • Awake no later than 6am
  • Start the day out right (ie s.s.)
  • Set a timer and limit myself 30 minutes of Internet per day (this is going to be the hardest part)
I have a lot of things I want to do! Among other things, I need to clean this off the wall:
Dustinn claims it's a Jackson Pollock; I see an insightful rendition of T.J.
Off to bed before I turn into a pumpkin!

(P.S. And as a reward....this weekend we are taking Bradshaw on his first overnight camp-out!)


D said...

Wow, I'd never seen the Thomas Jefferson likeness, but now I do! It's still totally a Jackson Pollock, though.

Nonnie said...

Somehow you made the scribbling on the wall look more artistic than it does in real life..... is this an example of celebrity airbrushing? You know Bradshaw is our favorite celebrity.
You have a great bunch of goals planned and you will do great at them. Might I offer one suggestion? Make sure that there is at least as much time spent adding to your blog (you know how we live to check it) as you do with other internet things.
Maybe someday Bradshaw will favor you with the same statement that Polly gave me...."Mom, you are just like Cinderella.... You are very pretty and you do ALL the work!" xoxoxoxo

Harrison - Party of Four! said...

Oooh- I like the 30 minute limit to the internet goal. Brant and I have been trying to cut down our time spent on the internet too. It just seems to suck us in! -K

StefanieJinelle said...

Yeah, you are totally sticking to that. I called earlier today and Dustinn said you were already in bed. It was 8 my time. I felt bad I was calling late. :/ I laughed so much at the scribbles on the wall. Just so you know, I was an artist as a young child. Erika could tell you ALL about it. On the weekends she and some of my older sisters would have to scrub all the permanent marker and crayon on the wall when to find out that I had started my artistic creation on another wall in the house. :]

Anonymous said...

What great goals! I need to do my own spring cleaning of sorts...thanks for the inspriation...and I agree, you need to make sure you have some time in the day for blogging still...we all want to see bradshaw!

Amber said...

Woo hoo for spring cleaning! :) I might just leave the artwork, though...it might be worth big bucks someday! :)

Have fun, and don't forget...blogging is actually considered spring cleaning. :) It IS...I promise! :)

Erika said...

Wow, ambitious goals! My husband would DIE of joy if I started getting up at 6AM. Hahaha! I'm normally up by 8. I have a big list as well, most of which involves changing out clothes and getting the nursery ready for baby boy. But procrastination IS my middle name... I work much better with a partner, so my husband ends up helping a lot on weekends... :) And I agree with Dustinn and I see the Thomas Jefferson likeness after comparing the two. :) What a little artist. And Stef is right, we were child labor back in the day scrubbing off her scribbles. Looks like you're in for it...

Pancho said...

thanks mom. Great goals Val! I love to here the little cute stuff Bradshaw does!

Dani said...

A camp out? How fun! Where are you going? Good luck with your cleaning, Cinderelly!

V said...

B&K, circumstance helped to keep the internet goal (i.e. our internet was down for >24 hrs.)
Being without internet access was quite a reality check! I use it for directions, assembly manuals, researching buys, not to mention keeping in touch!

V said...

Stef/Erika: You took permanent marker to the walls? Woah!
Maybe I should tape butcher paper along the bottom half of the wall, then Olivia can color freely as high as she can reach...but I'd need to hide her blankets/clothing. Hmm, at least we'll have several months to prepare before she's mobile. =)

V said...
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V said...

Dani: we are going to a national park just an hour or so south of us. We have our own sleeping bags and borrowed a tent from your parents a few weeks ago.
We've heard to expect that your child won't sleep a wink, so we'll see. =)