December 12, 2010


Today we got home from church and there was a little spider smushed on floor in our kitchen.  Bradshaw sees it and begins to moan, "it died!  it died. poor widdle guy.  You didn't a-surve (deserve) it.  We never play a-gether again."  [Little cry sounds]

Last night he was sitting on my lap while I was reading to him.
Me: "I am holding something very precious on my lap.  What is it?"
Bradshaw, without guile: "my bottom"

Whenever he means to say, "it's my fault" he says "it's my fart." He's been saying this for months but it still makes us laugh all the time.  In public:
"oops, that's my fart"
"sorry, my fart"

Tonight he sat at the table after dinner, blowing against his hand and moving his hand progressively further from his face.  When he determined the furthest distance his breath could be felt, he showed me, "Mama, my air is this big."

In the car: "Mama do you drive more with your hands or your feet?  Which more?

When Bradshaw's giving kisses, he'll say "now on you eyes" and kiss each eye, "and now you nose" and kiss my nose, and "on you little holes" (nostrils; yes, he wants to kiss my nostrils...), "and on you falishes (eyelashes, he insists on his made-up name for them).

To Olivia, while giving each other repeated hugs on the couch, "you best ever, Baby!"
 (He addresses her by the nickname "Baby" most of the time.)

Rummaging through the fridge, looking for strawberry yogurt, "another peach, and another peach, another peach....errrr!  Me angry and fwustwated!"
He expresses himself, then he's over it, and skips off to play.  Does this reflect toddler emotions or male emotions? lol


Holly said...

Love these.

Racher said...

Val! The spider story is SO funny! I keep reading it over and over. What a cutie!